31. Review of Disney's Onward (Dir. Dan Scanlon, 2020)
I'm not sure why it took me so long to get around to watching this film, but I am so glad that I finally did. (in all honesty, you could whack Tom Holland's name on anything and I would give it a shot). With a little modernistic twist on all things fairy-tale, whimsy and magical, Onward is a great adventure movie which also explores family and loss. The story follows brothers Ian and Barley on a journey to bring their deceased father back for one day, learning about old and obsolete magic. A long the way, the brothers realise things about themselves and each other, meaning for some heart warming and also heart wrenching moments. I think this film explores some important themes, such as how sacrificing things for those you love is important sometimes, and also that family doesn't always have to be the stereotypical nuclear family which society is conditioned to believe it is. Along with a great storyline, the animation and cinematography of Onward is truly enchanting and...